I am in the process of building and updating my bibliography for B716:
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BLYTHE, J., 2001. Essentials of marketing. 2nd edition edn. Harlow: Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
BRYMAN, A. and BELL, E., 2007. business research methods. Second Edition edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
CAMERON, D., Sunday, April 26 2009, , The Age of Austerity
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CAMERON, S., 2008. The MBA Handbook: Skills for Mastering Management. Sixth edition edn. Harlow: Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
COGHLAN, D., 2001. Insider Action Research Projects, Implications for Practicing Managers. Management Learning, vol 32(no 1), pp. 49-60.
CORNISH, P. and DORMAN, A., 2009. Blair's wars and Brown's budgets: from Strategic Defence Review to strategic decay in less than a decade. International Affairs, 85(2), pp. 247-261.
FENTON-O’CREEVY, M., 2006. A note on the relationship between academic and workplace knowledge.
GRAY, C., 1999. Modern Strategy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
LANCHESTER, J., 2009-last update, It’s Finished. Available: http://www.lrb.co.uk/ v31/ n10/ lanc01_.html.
LUTHANS, F., 1988. Successful vs. Effective Real Managers. Academy of Management Executive, vol. 2(no. 2), pp. pp. 127–132.
NORTON-TAYLOR, R., Tuesday 23 March, 2010 05.00 GMT, ,
Defence budget facing £36bn black hole, say MPs [Homepage of Guardian Newspaper], [Online]. Available: http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/mar/23/defence-spending-36-billion-blackholeTuesday 24 May 11, 2011].
RAELIN, J.A., 2002. "I don't Have Time to Think!" versus the Art of Reflective Practice. Reflections, vol 4(no 1), pp. 66-79.
REASON, P., 1999. Integrating Action and Reflection Through Co-operative Inquiry. Management Learning, vol 30(no 2), pp. 207-26.
SMITH, M., 2001-last update,
Chris Argyris: theories of action, double-loop learning and organizational learning. Available: http://www.infed.org/thinkers/argyris.htm1 Jun 2011].
VINCE, R., 2002. Organizing Reflection. Management Learning, vol 33(no 1), pp. 63-78.
I will continue to add to this periodically
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